
Zarok is the Planetary Incarna of Jupiter. Known as the Crowned Ruler, Zarok's realm, like his planet is the largest among those of the planetary Incarna. Humans call Jupiter a gas giant; here, Zarok's realm contains little surface land, but a great deal of cloudy realm. Nonetheless, the core burns hot enough that the less solid areas attain more warmth from it than the sun (whom Zarok believes thinks far too much of himself already). In fact, because it is heated from within and is so large, some modern astronomers now class Jupiter as a brown dwarf star rather than a planet. Zarok's Domain is larger than all the other planetary Incarna and their moons put together, and almost resembles a miniature solar system itself due to the many moons that surround the outer realm. Zarok refers to the moons as his royal court.

The giant red spot that can be seen is an enormous hurricane that has raged for centuries. By itself the storm encompasses more area than the entire earth and is like a depression in the cloudy area, almost like a funnel if seen from the top. There has been much speculation on what the storm's purpose is (beyond giving Zarok bragging rights for yet another "biggest of" something). Some believe it could be the key in defeating the Red Star, saying that like the Fenris wolf it will swallow and digest the Red Star when it comes to close. This of course is speculation.

Drops of Jupiter

Coming onto Zarok's realm, one finds it much different than any of the other planetary Incarna, because as said before, it is comprised mostly of air. Rather than touching down onto solid land, one travels the air trails that lead to various regions of the Incarna's realm. If travelers were to try to visit the earthly planet, the pressure along would crush them, however in the Aetherial Realm they need not worry about that.

Different Zones or belts as they are called, are marked by stripes or bads that can be seen from a distance. In the earthly realm, many of these bands lie at different elevations. Though there doesn't seem to be much difference between the zones and belts, Zarok believes there to be a vast difference and trying to argue something like this with an Incarna in his own domain isn't a wise idea. The true differences seem to be in the direction of flow, air quality, components and the individual auras and unique patters of though each belt or zone contains.

In any case, despite the variance in colour and temperature, one belt is much like its neighbor zone and none of them seem that note worthy. Lots of swirling and storms, but not much content. It seems the patron of the Silver Fangs contents himself with being the largest (largest ''what'' he doesn't say of course) and pays little heed to making each realm into something amusing, dangerous or different in such a fashion that regular Garou can take note of. In this case, the sum of the parts is not greater than the whole. Then again, perhaps the grand design is too vast for one to comprehend. Then again, Zarok doesn't have anything solid to work with. Just mostly hot air.

Despite the fact that one is pretty much flying in the Aetherial Realm, there are star roads that travelers can use, or the current of the solar wings, However, getting to Zarok's realm, one must truly fly. This is because the domain doesn't really rotate like a solid body at all. The air currents in each region move at their own rate, as does the Great Red Spot. One can attune themselves to any given rotational speed, but that means they are no longer in sync with another band that might be right next door. This only really causes difficulties when you're trying to get back to a specific place, but travelers want to settle in a a particular area since Zarok prefers that they do, so they much consider this little factoid.

Despite the inconvences that bands of different rotational speeds have, and the fact that they are pretty much nothing but gas; Zarok can form the air into more solid shapes when he chooses. As Zarok is magnanimous, he usually takes some pity on visitors and creates areas in which land-dwellers can feel more comfortable. When he does so, he tends to make a big display of it all — fancy thrones, silk banners, colourful tapestries — all very difficult when all you have is swirling air. So, despite some of the inconveniences, once travelers remind Zarok that they need a little more stability, they tend to have an easier time about things.

Jovial and kind, Zarok always welcomes visitors who come in the spirit of friendship and mirth. He enjoys company and likes to grant his visitors gifts. This is not to say that Zarok doesn't posses a serious side. He is, after all, a ruler and patron of Philodox. Rulers must sometimes make difficult decisions and his wisdom is as evident as his humor. Because of his congenial and generous nature, however, many tend to underestimate Zarok, seeing him as little more than a pompous buffoon drunk on his own size. These fools have never seen the Crowned One explode into bombastic rage. There is little more terrifying than to experience Zarok in anger — immense, towering, majestically strong and utterly unstoppable. Many discovered this in their ruin in the near past when a mere portion of this grew Incarna's power was unleashed in the physical realm in the city of Chicago. The city barely withstood his power.

Zarok's Court

When travelers visit the Incarna, they will travel to his court. In a realm of gigantic proportions, Zarok's Court holds its own. Seen from a distance, the Grand Court rises from the clouds like an illusion, its colourful domed towers blending in with the swirling eddies around it until you are quite close. A mix of oranges, red, pale yellow and pink — the bulbous gold crowned downs rise atop slender towers framing beautifully worked stone walls and carved doors set with gemstones. The entire structure is sized for giants. Arched windows taller that the Eiffel Tower seem filled with stained glass depictions of storms and rolling wings. As visitors approach, they hear a deep, sonorous bell rolling solemnly, announcing their arrival. The smell of rich, fragrant incense fills the air and draws them inside as the ponderous doors swing open silently to admit them. Compared to all this splendor, visiting packs are like ants over the sheer overpowering immensity of the structure.

Before them stretches a hall, mirrored on both sides to reflect the supporting columns and tiny petitioners as they traverse it miles of long length toward Zarok's throne. Pale light from crystals set into the walls illuminates their way, leading them unerringly down the center of a hall that is wider than a football field is long. Ahead, beyond an intimidatingly long red carpet rise three broad, marble steps higher than a full grown Garou. Atop them, crowned with golden light and seated on his throne waits Zarok. Surrounding him wait beautifully dressed men and women and several large animals — a wolf, an albino eagle and a glowing, golden hoofed horse. He acknowledges them as his royal court and points out a few of them, Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Io, and others. (Interestingly, one of his court is named Metis, but it seems to be a similarity of name and nothing more.)

By now, visitors might well feel dispirited and insignificant, yet strangely, as they move closer, either they seem to grow, or the hall to shrink until they are not the size of ants, but merely smaller than the Incarna and his spirit minions. It becomes far easier to interact with all of them once one is of sufficient size. The Incarna likes to hear stories travelers bring him and is more willing to be hospitable and generous in return for entertainment and philosophical discussions. He is quite likely to teach Gifts such as Proclamation of Actions or give a fetish or talent in commemoration of visits. As long as you show him the proper deference, Zarok is one of the most even tempered and congenial of the Incarnae. The same however, cannot be said always of his court.

Dangers of the Realm

The main dander in Zarok's realm is not a physical threat, but the intrigue among his court members. These servitor spirits have grandiose plans. The court consists of the sixteen satellites that orbit the planet: the spirits of Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Io, Adrastea, Amalthea, Thebe, Leda, Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Ananke, Carine, Pasiphae, Sinoe and Metis.

All these courtiers know that Zarok is not merely another planet, but a small brown dwarf (a star that never achieved enough mass, then contracted enough to turn on its nuclear furnace). Rather viewing their liege as a star that failed, however, his court sees him as a star that might potentially become. Many of them are tired of Hyperion's position in the hierarchy of Incarnae and believe that if they could capture and use the Red Star's energy, they might light Zarok's fire. Then they themselves would become planets rather than merely moons. Since many of them are larger than some of the other planets, they do seem to have a point. Others among the court realize what sheer folly this would be, but their warnings have failed to interest the Incarna, who dismisses it as foolish jockeying for position. It's unclear whether Zarok actually agrees with and fosters his courtiers' designs or if he is simply too indulgent and unwilling to admit his mistake in housing his spirit minions in such a mighty physical forms so that they can keep him company and fawn on him.

The conspirators will want to make use of any Garou visitors and try to involve them in the scheme. Finding out who's who, for if such a plan were to succeed, would mean Zarok would assume his place into being as a star. But it would also mean that Jupiter itself could burst into being a sun, this making the solar system a binary star system. Never mind that the exploding energy of the birth of a new star would destroy Earth and several other planets as well and would undoubtedly pulverize and disintegrate the very satellites who plot their lord's ascendence.

Zarok as a Totem

The kingly Zarok is proud to lend a portion of his magnificence to packs who prove worthy. However, he is unlikely to do so unless convinced that the pack is well-respected among its peers, the presence of a Silver Fang among them is always helpful toward this end.

Zarok is large and robust, with ruddy skin, His silver hair and beard are thick and curly and his frosty blue eyes wreathed with laugh lines. His expression shows his authority and dignity. Zarok dresses in colourful robes of state with a full-length cloak of white wolf fur. He s never without some sort of crown, whether an actual golf crown inset with gemstones or a crowning aura of light. He much enjoys appearing along with the trappings due a monarch — a huge throne, apparently made of carnelian, and a golden scepter topped with rubies and an enormous diamond. He also assumes the form of an immense silver-white wolf with ice blue eyes, and the appearance of an enormous white hawk.

Every member of Zarok's pack gains the equivalent Pure Breed about them when dealing with other Garou. The Pack becomes strong in their Leadership prestige and intimidation. The pack may also draw on a great deal of willpower that the Incarna grants. This willpower is useful for purposes of resisting external domination, mind control or intimidation.

Zarok's Children are not allowed to dishonor themselves. Any action which would lead to a loss of Honor Renown will cause Zarok to abandon the pack.

Zarok, The Crowned Ruler: The Ninth Lunar Month

Aetherial Realm - Jupiter
Auspice - Philodox
Colours - Red, White, Yellow
Element - Air
Other Names - Zeus, Dagda, Freya, Gitchi Manitou, Divaa
Quality - Authority
Tarot Card - Emperor
Tribe - Silver Fangs
Vices - Pride
Virtues - Leadership
Zodiac Correspondence - Sagittarius

In the ninth lunar month, the journey of the spirit leaves the realm of rootless wandering and embarks upon the ambitious road of leadership. This month belongs to Zarok, the Crowned Ruler, and acknowledges that every cohesive group of individuals must, inevitably, bow to the consent of those who must follow. Power gained is power granted, not stolen or usurped.

Zarok calls the giant planet Jupiter his home. From that planet's vast domain, the Crowned Ruler reigns in splendor over the [[Umbra]]l solar system. The colours attributed to Zarok, red, white, and yellow represent the planet's physical appearance. Additionally, these three colours symbolize the red of impassioned commitment, the white of self-sacrifice and the yellow of spiritual zeal, all qualities essential in a good leader. Zarok represents authority at its best, rather than the tyranny and despotism so often seen in the physical world.

The auspice of Philodox enjoys the patronage of Zarok, who understands the need for thoughtful and decisive leadership and guidance. Philodox born during the ninth lunar month exercise their authority with confidence, knowing that their right to pass judgment comes from a thorough understanding of the traditions and laws of the Garou. Zarok-born Ahroun often act as battle leaders and strategy planners, while Theurges who claim the Crowned Ruler as their patron excel in using their powers to create a sense of unity and purpose in those around them. Zarok's Galliards enjoy entertaining their audiences with stories of heroes and great leaders, and Ragabash born during Zarok's month demonstrate a shameless audacity in their pranks.

Zarok favors the Silver Fangs above other tribes, recognizing their long tradition of leadership and their familiarity with the ability to exercise authority. The natural charisma of the Silver Fangs echoes Zarok's own magnanimous nature.

Wester astrology attributes this time of year to Sagittarius, the archer of the heavens. In Babylonian myth, the archer also symbolized Marduk, the war god. The configuration of stars known as the Corona Australis, or Southern Crown, lies at the feet of Sagittarius, thus lending the credence to the image of leadership. Also known as the Centaur, Sagittarius corresponds to Chiron, the wise teacher of Greek myths.

At their best, Garou born during the month of the Crowned Ruler demonstrate wisdom in their roles as leaders. Zarok's weakness, however, lies in a tendency to fall prey to overweening pride and self-aggrandizement.

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